beam, stanford career education
Role: Graduate Administrative Assistant
Project 1: Building Your Career Toolkit
Description: A five-week career group designed to support undeclared frosh and sophomores in building their interests, exploring major/career options, and developing essential career skills.
Primary Deliverables: 5 60-minute workshops, 5 Facilitator Guides, 1 Application Form, 4 Weekly Feedback Forms, 1 Post-Program Survey, 1 Program Report (with recommendations for future iterations)
Reflection: Over the course of three quarters (fall, winter, and spring), I designed and facilitated Building Your Career Toolkit. The design process began with an analysis of student feedback throughout the past year to identify the types of support needed by frosh and sophomores. I then utilized the backward design framework to structure the learning objectives, assessments, and activities. During the five-week program, I continuously iterated on the structure and content of the sessions based on data collected from the weekly feedback forms, while bringing in learning theories and learning strategies that I studied through my coursework. As the program comes to a close, I am now focusing on developing recommendations to make future interactions of the program available on a larger scale.
During the program, I found it incredibly important to collect feedback from students on a regular basis and build in time to iterate on the learning activities and materials. For example, early in the program, students had expressed interest in activities that allowed them to work in groups for sustained amounts of time. As a result, I revised some of the activities to be completed as a group and allowed participants more opportunities to get to know and learn from each other. This attention to participant feedback and emphasis on iteration is something that I carry with me into my course projects and other work.
Project 2: Wayfinding Workbook
Description: A joint project with Stanford’s Life Design Lab that aims to support undergraduate students in creating a holistic, meaningful Stanford experience using a design thinking approach.